1. Default Page
1. Parent/Guardian First Name: |
2. Parent/Guardian Last Name: |
3. I already received by Diaper Order: |
4. Parent/Guardian Zip Code: |
5. Parent/Guardian Phone Number: |
6. Number of Adults Living in the Home: |
7. How Many Children (ages 5-17) Live In The Home? |
8. How Many Children (under 5) Live In The Home? |
9. Sources of Income/Public Assistance:
SSI SNAP/Food Stamps TANF WIC Housing/subsidized Housing/unsubsidized Child care assistance/subsidized Free/reduced lunch N/A |
10. Is the Parent/Guardian Employed? |
11. Parent/Guardian is Employed Full-Time or Part-Time?
Full-Time Part-Time N/A |
12. Did the Parent/Guardian lose their job during the pandemic? |
13. If the Parent/Guardian lost their job during the pandemic, were they able to get a new job?
Yes No N/A |
14. Parent/Guardian's Monthly Income: |
15. Parent/Guardian's Health Insurance Status:
Private Insurance Medicaid Uninsured |
16. Is this request being made for a Military Family? |
17. Child First Name: |
18. Child Last Name: |
19. Diaper Size Requested for Child:
Newborn Preemie Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6 Pull-Ups 2T-3T Pull-Ups 3T-4T Pull-Ups 4T-5T |
20. Child Gender:
Male Female |
21. Child Date of Birth: |
22. Child Lives With:
Mother Father Grandparent Foster parent Other parent/relative |
23. Child's Race/Ethnicity:
Black/African American White/Caucasian Hispanic Asian American Indian Pacific Islander Multi-Racial Other |
24. Child's Health Insurance Status:
Private Insurance Medicaid Uninsured |
25. Does the child have a disability or developmental delay? |
26. Has the child ever had a health issue related to dirty diapers? |
27. How many days per month does the child attend an early learning program or child care center? |